;USA-North Carolina NC ;State of North Carolina ;capital: Raleigh ;Time zone: Eastern: UTC-5/-4 ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_US-North_Carolina.gif COMMENT=Updated August 18, 2019 TYP=Holy Es-2Dy =Good Friday* 19.1. =Robert E. Lee's Birthday* 25.3. =Greek Independence Day* 10.5. =Confederate Memorial Day* ;Note={d} 20.5. =Anniversary of Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence* 01.11.%1980,2+1Mo+1Tu =Election Day (Federal, even years) ;Note=Tuesday after the 1st Monday November, all Representatives & 1/3 of the Senate {m} {Jewish 10.1.} =Jewish, Yom Kippur (10 Tischri #-3761 AM) ;Note=movable day, lunar calendar TYP=Local 20.5. =Charlotte & Mecklenburg County, Meck-Dec Day ;Note=1775 signing Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence TYP=Normal ;yearly day - observances 16.3.+1Fr =North Carolina Arbor Day* ;Note=Friday following March 15 {m} 09.4. =Prisoner of War Day* 12.4. =Halifax Resolution Day* ;Note=1776 Halifax Resolutions of Independence {d} 01.8.+1Su =American Family Day* ;Note=1st Sunday August 18.8. =Roanoke Island, Birthday of Virginia Dare ;Note=first English child born in a New World English overseas possession {n} 30.9.-1Sa-1Su =1st day Indian Solidarity Week* ;Note=last full week September 01.10.+1Su =1st day National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week* ;Note=1st full week October 21.11. =North Carolina Ratification Day, proclaimed Flag Flying Day ;Note=1789 {d} 07.12. =Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day* ;Indian Day ;Note=unspecified day named by governor ;(remembrance) dates by year ;British Thirteen North American colonies, Southern Colonies, Province of North Carolina, later North Carolina & Tennessee 13.7. =(OS) 1st English expedition landed in America #1584 years ago (and took possession of the land)* ;Note=1584, 7 leagues above Roanoke Island, July 23, 1584 Greg. (NS) {d} 23.7. =(NS) 1st English expedition landed in America #1584 years ago (and took possession of the land)* ;Note=1584, 7 leagues above Roanoke Island, July 13, 1584 Jul. (OS) {d-07-13} 27.7. =(OS) 1st English colony on north end Roanoke Island #1585 years ago* ;Note=1585, 2nd English expedition, Aug. 6, 1585 Greg. (NS) {d} 06.8. =(NS) 1st English colony on north end Roanoke Island #1585 years ago* ;Note=1585, 2nd English expedition, Jul. 27, 1585 Jul. (OS) {d} 20.5. =Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence #1755 years ago* ;Note=1755 {d} 12.4. =Halifax Resolves of Independence #1776 years ago* ;Note=1776 {d} 05.4. =North Carolina's General Assembly ratifies Articles of Confederation #1778 years ago* ;Note=1778, off. signature July 21, 1778 {d} 21.7. =Philadelphia PA, delegates North Carolina signed Articles of Confederation #1778 years ago* ;Note=1778, ratification April 5, 1778 {d} 21.11. =North Carolina off. ratifies US Constitution #1789 years ago (12th state) ;Note=1789, Vote 194-77 {d} ;11.12.1789, North Carolina General Assembly chartered the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, one of the oldest public universities in the United States 13.2. =Open. University of North Carolina #1795 years ago (1st state university in the USA)* ;Note=1795 {d} 20.5. =North Carolina Secession ordinance #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861 {d} 21.5. =North Carolina admitted to Confederate States of America (CSA) #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861 {d} 22.6. =1st Flag of North Carolina adopted 1861 years ago* ;Note=1861, replaced March 1885 {d} 04.12. =North Carolina ratifies 13th Amendment #1865 years ago (abolishing slavery)* ;Note=1865, 26th state {d} 02.3. =Second Military District formed #1867 years ago (Reconstruction Act)* ;Note=1867, North- & South-Carolina {d} 04.7. =North Carolina readmitted to the Union #1868 years ago* ;Note=1868 {d} 07.3. =North Carolina College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts created #1887 years ago (1965 >North Carolina State University)* ;Note=1887 {d} 09.7. =1st car registered in North Carolina #1909 years ago* ;Note=1909, John A. Park's Hudson {d} 05.9. =Charlotte, 1st color video recording on magnetic tape presented #1958 years ago* ;Note=1958 {d} ;The entries for North Carolina were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_of_the_United_States ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Carolina ;State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols - ISBN 0-313-31534-5, page 175-176